Sheila Bunwaree is a social scientist, a full fledged Professor of Gender and Development Studies, with more than 30 years of teaching and research experience at the University of Mauritius and in the African region. She holds a PhD in sociology from Latrobe University, Melbourne where she was a commonwealth scholar. She also holds an Msc Econ in Social Planning and a Bsc Joint Honours in Sociology/Economics from Swansea University, UK. She is the recipient of several fellowships and spent time researching and writing in the field of ‘’Gender and Politics’’ at different institutions across the globe. She has several publications to her record.
Sheila Bunwaree is currently an independent consultant and has joined active politics since 2014. Her experience on the ground and her encountering of different forms of injustice, particularly gender injustice, made her enrol on an LLB course, as a mature student, at the University of Lancashire from 2015 2018, where she graduated with a First Class Honours.