VIA Céline Marie Yolande is a lawyer by training, a high ranking magistrate in the judicial section, she puts her knowledge on rights and her skills at the service of the community.
Since 2007, she has joined the women’s association : Fédération pour la Promotion Féminine et Enfantine (FPFE) ; she provides training on rights and makes herself available to give free legal advice in order to facilitate the understanding and resolution of the daily conflicts for victims of non-rights.
With the FPFE team, she sets up Listening and legal counselling centres, called Centres d’Ecoutes et de Conseils juridiques (CECJ), whose work consists of psychological support and care for gender based violence survivors. Currently, she is in her second term as the President of the national FPFE. This association not only enhances youth participation by the integration of the Youth FPFE within its branch, but it also promotes the culture of volunteering among its members.
From 2016 to 2020, appointed Senator by the President of the Republic, she represents civil society in the Senate and is committed to carry out women’s voice to be heard both nationally and internationally.
At the national level, she contributes to the development of the Malagasy bill on GBV and participates in its adoption in Parliament. For the international level, she sat in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie for the improvement of women’s living conditions, and among others for sustainable and inclusive development.