Sunungurai Chingarande is a professor of Sociology who holds a PhD in Sociology, a Master of Science in Sociology and Social Anthropology and a BSc Honours in Sociology from the University of Zimbabwe. She is the Women’s University in Africa Vice Chancellor since 2021. When she joined Women’s University in Africa, she was coming from Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University where she was the Vice Chancellor of the institution. Professor Chingarande also served as the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University and a lecturer and head of the Sociology Department at the University of Zimbabwe.
She is Zimbabwe’s representative on the African Vice Chancellors’ Forum, a member of the International Association of Universities board, representing Africa, a member of the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE) council, a board member of the Centre for Zimbabwean Studies at Rhodes University, a board member for the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), a member of the SAFAIDS regional advisory group, a gender equality expert for the African Group of Negotiators, a think tank of experts and practitioners that provides evidence based technical support to African governments for effective engagement in the international and national climate change policy formulation; She is a focal person for Zimbabwe for the Resilient Africa Network (RAN), a USAID funded project; a focal person for Zimbabwe for the USAID Funded Long-term Assistance and Services for Research (Laser) Partner University Led Solutions Engine (PULSE). She has won several awards for her outstanding performance as a educationalist and administrator.