Programme Manager
César Inácio Neves began his career as a rural development technician. Before joining Gender Links he held many positions that include among others Coordinator, training community agents to promote social welfare in participatory methodologies based on faith and humanity at Caritas de Moçambique. He also worked as Trainer of community health, agriculture and livestock agents at Concelho Cristão de Moçambique; Livelihood Programs Officer at Oxfam Australia and successively Technical Training Officer in Governance, Leadership and Associativism and Provincial Technical Officer at FHI360.
César Inácio Neves joined Gender Links Mozambique in 2018 as Programme and Quality Manager where he advocates for gender equality through implementation of SADC protocol on gender and post 2015 development championing the local government to observe the gender equity on indication for those in decision making position. He holds a Master’s degree in Sciences of Education from São Tomás University, Maputo City (writing the thesis).