The Gender Links Integrity and Compliance Unit is headed by the Marketing, Integrity and Compliance Manager, Debrah Mukuku, who is also the Company Secretary and has several years’ experience in banking.

The overall purpose of this department is to keep the flagship of the GL Brand under check and fully compliant in every area from statutory compliance, country registrations audits, Governance issues, Legal compliance on HR contractual matters and upholding the GL Code of Conduct.

Key tasks of the Integrity Advisor (these can be found as an annex to the Code of Conduct) include:

  • Champion the development and implementation of an effective organisational integrity system. This involves coming up with suggestions of putting in place strict internal control mechanisms and policy documents that prevent as many incidents of inappropriate behaviour as possible. Eg. Introduction of the Safeguarding and Prevention of Sexual Violation Policy.
  • Ensure staff and Board are fully inducted on the three main categories of integrity:
  • Carry out internal compliance risk assessments to assist management in identifying and prioritizing GL’s significant integrity and compliance risks.
  • Conduct periodic reviews and updating of the GL integrity policies registers
  • Flag all areas pointed out as high risk area and then bring these to the attention of executive management to ensure that mitigation plans are put in place. The Integrity advisor then has the duty to hand these over to the Board to review these annually during board meetings.
  • Engage the services of an external party to carry out an annual Integrity and compliance performance
  • Lead on internal assessments such as carrying out audits of all the Organisational bank accounts to minimise the risk of fraudulent or corrupt activities.
  • Acting as the initial point of contact to provide first line support to anyone who has been the victim of or witness to an integrity violation, ensuring strict confidentiality of any issues reported on
  • Ensuring that staff and interns working directly with persons who have experienced abuse, or who are experiencing abuse, are well supported and receive appropriate supervision.
  • Ensure the victim is given support and afforded protection if necessary.