Although the Madagascar Office predominantly focuses on the Centres of Excellence work with the local government level, the office also deals with GL’s media, justice and Alliance work in Madagascar. The office has managed to build strong links with the COE councils it works with, many who have signed MOU’s with GL as well as close links with key ministries within Madagascar.

Madagascar has also made headway with the Entrepreneurial training having completed the first two stages.

Click here for the country report.

Country Manager
Ialfine Tracoulat
Programme Officer Claudia Rakotonirina
Programme Assistant
Razanadratefa Zotonantenaina
Phone 00261 034 16 80858
Mobile 00 261 320 577 118
Physical address Immeubele Premiun, 2 eme etage, Ex-Villages des Jeux, Ankorondrano, Antananarivo