Times of Zambia

Date: January 1, 1970
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This article may be used in training to:
Demonstrate the value of in-depth reporting, context and analysis. The story goes beyond the obvious day to day limitations to look at how the informal sector is organised, who takes the decisions, and how women are disadvantaged even at this level.  
Trainer’s notes
This story is fascinating in so far as it covers the decision-making structures that govern the informal sector, and the gender dynamics within these. It is also a good example of diversifying sources. The writer visits more than one market and finds similar conditions in both. He interviews women and men, and finds that they have divergent views on critical issues such as the ability of women to handle micro finance. The story brings in new possibilities like the IT revolution and how this could change things. It also places the market place in the broader context of the Beijing Platform for Action and the SADC Declaration on Gender and Development.
Some training exercises
Participants should be encouraged to undertake a similar exercise in the market place of whatever city this case study is being used in, to discover what obvious and less obvious forces are at play and how these affect women and men struggling to make a living.

Download : CASE STUDIES 2

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