Councilors discuss GBV on cyber space

Date: December 10, 2012
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Name of story: Councilors discuss GBV on cyber space

Name of publication: Informative news paper

Name of journalist: Majara Molupe

Date: 04-10 December 2012

Country: Lesotho

Theme: ICTs

Skills: sources

Genre: News

Gem classification: Gender aware
Description:Butha-Buthe-Three councils in the northern country -Likila,Ramapepeand Thaba-Tseka urban have an hour to discuss Gender based violence issues on cyber space on Wednesday last week. The councilors discussed all forms of GBV and how they could be brought to an end. The director of Gender Links Lesotho Malepota Mafeka said the councilors were given an opportunity to share ideas and experiences concerning GBV.
“The councilors were also given a platform to devise strategies to deal with GBV challenges” said Mafeka.Since councilors,work with communities at village level ,she said ,they would be able to trickle down the message to communities in almost every corner of the village.

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