Mhondoro-Ngezi RDC COE

Date: October 17, 2016
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Fact file
Country Zimbabwe
Province/Region  Mashonaland West
Baseline score  76
Post 2015 score (2016); (2018)  (54-Green); (58-Green)
Population  212,725
Number of women councillors  1
Number of men councillors  15
Joined the COE programme  2016
Anchored Entrepreneurship Programme  No
Summit  2016; 2018

Located in the Mashonaland West Province. The Council’s area of jurisdiction covers 9327,41km and comprised of 2 sub-offices namely Turf and Kadoma. It is made up of 16 wards categorized as follows; Communal, Resettlement schemes, peri-urban and Large commercial farms. Mhondoro Ngezi Rural District Council Head Office is at Mamina Growth Point.

The council is a spoke council in the hub and spoke programme for gender mainstreaming in local government, mentored by Zvimba RDC.

The Council has embarked on a solar electrification programme at its business centre and also in some rural homes. The council has also installed water meters in rural homes in 5 wards. In response to COVID19, the council has a women’s project who sew face masks for schools. They are also conducting awareness campaigns.

Read the council’s 2018 summit case study here.

 Empowering women, ending violence in Zimbabwe

 Click here to review COE Report card

3 thoughts on “Mhondoro-Ngezi RDC COE”

Francis says:

May i kindly ask for a detailed map for Mhondoro, i need to see even villages that make up the constituency.

I am a writer putting up a biography for a church called St. John Apostolic Church of the Whole World.

I thank you in advance.

Andrew Baya says:

Please contact me would like to use your drilling rig to drill bore holes at my home

Mbedzi Lovejoy M says:

I would to assist your RDC in improving the Silvermoon area through community development solutions

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