Omaruru COE

Date: July 9, 2015
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Country Namibia
Province/Region Omaruru
Baseline score  – 2012 60
Latest score –
Population  6300
Number of women councillors  2
Number of men councillors  4
Joined the COE programme  2012
Anchored Entrepreneurship Programme  No

Omaruru is a city[2] and constituency in the Erongo Region of Namibia. The town has 14,000 inhabitants[3] and owns 352 square kilometres (136 sq mi) of land.[4] The town is situated near Mount Erongo, on the usually dry Omaruru River. It is located on the main paved road from Swakopmund to Otjiwarongo. The name in the local Otjiherero language means ‘bitter milk’, as the cattle used to browse on a local bush that turned their milk bitter

 Click here to see who is Driving change in Omaruru Council
 Empowering women, ending violence in Omaruru
 Click here to review COE Report card


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