Pfura Rural District Council COE

Date: October 17, 2016
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Fact file
Country Zimbabwe
Province/Region  Mashonaland Central
Baseline score  44
Post 2015 score (2016); (2020)  (46-Blue); (64 Bronze)
Population  212,725
Number of women councillors  2
Number of men councillors  38
Joined the COE programme  2016; 2020
Anchored Hub and Spoke Programme  No
Anchored Entrepreneurship Programme  No
Summit  2016; 2020

Pfura Rural District council is situated in Mashonaland Central province.  It borders with Mozambique on the Northern, Rushinga RDC on the eastern, Muzarabani on the western, Chaminuka on the southern side.  The district has got a total of forty wards which comprises of twenty-six communal, six small scale farms and eight resettlement wards.

The council is a spoke council in the hub and spoke programme for gender mainstreaming. The council is mentored by Bindura RDC.

The council is implementing community projects, for instance, the construction of disability-friendly toilets in Mt Darwin. The council is constructing “girl-friendly” toilets in schools so that the girl child can attend to their Sexual Reproductive Health Rights. The council has also established 3 piped water schemes and trained the pump minders who are mostly women. The council has also built low-cost boarding houses in partnership with Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED) to curb what they call “bush boarding” that left school children particularly girls at the risk of abuse.

Read the council’s 2016 summit case study here.

Read the 2020 local government SADC Protocol@Work summit report here.

 Empowering women, ending violence in Zimbabwe

 Click here to review COE Report card

One thought on “Pfura Rural District Council COE”

Claudious Kanocheni says:

I would like to apply for a residential and business stands within your CBD. Will you please send me the necessary application forms together with the necessary application fees.

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