The SADC Secretariat’s Gender Unit hosted a gender based violence conference from 20 -22 March draw up a regional strategy and action plan to address the scourge. Over 50 participants attended including development partners such as UN Women, UNDP; with two representatives from government and one representative from civil society from each Member State and NGO experts. Gender Links represented the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance in its role as regional secretariat.
Key issues that came under focus included legal, socio-economic, cultural and political, services, sexual harassment, support services, training of service providers, integrated services, training and awareness raising as well as the resource allocations required for the implementation of the commitments.
One of the key targets of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development is to reduce by half current levels of gender based violence by 2015. But how will we know that we have arrived?
Participants were in agreement that they should learn from the Gender Based Violence indicators project coordinated by Gender Links working with strategic partners that aims to gather comprehensive data on gender violence.
So far the research has been completed in Gauteng, South Africa, Botswana and Mauritius. The project is being replicated in three other provinces – KwaZulu Natal, Limpopo and Western Cape. The survey focuses on prevention, response and support on gender based violence.
The conference aimed to:
– Create a fora for SADC stakeholders to reflect on the situation of gender based violence;
– Unpack the response to gender based violence in the region with a view to strategise for solutions;
– Develop a regional strategy and a clear regional Plan of Action for addressing gender based violence
The report and regional strategy are still being finalised and will be made available once completed.
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