South Africa: Minister condemns silencing of women during Traditional Courts Bill hearings

South Africa: Minister condemns silencing of women during Traditional Courts Bill hearings

Date: June 4, 2012
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The Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities Lulu Xingwana, says women should not be prevented from voicing their opinions during the Traditional Courts Bill public hearings currently underway.

Delivering her Budget Vote Speech to the National Council of Provinces, Xingwana said in some provinces, women were told they were not invited and should not be there. In some cases, women were rudely interjected and silenced. She has strongly condemned this.

“Women’s right to self-representation have been denied, this behaviour cannot be allowed to persist in a democratic South Africa. As a department, we shoulder a responsibility to ensure that women can freely interact and exercise their right to be heard in all democratic processes,” Xingwana said, adding that she would work with the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development to ensure that the concerns of rural women are taken into consideration regarding the Bill.

The Traditional Courts Bill is intended to regulate the role and functions of traditional leaders in the administration of justice in accordance with the Constitutional imperatives. Click here to read more.

Source: Bua News



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