UN Women in partnership with the SADC Secretariat Gender Unit will hold a Symposium on Gender, Peace and Security

UN Women in partnership with the SADC Secretariat Gender Unit will hold a Symposium on Gender, Peace and Security

Date: October 21, 2015
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UN Women in partnership with the SADC Secretariat Gender Unit will hold a Symposium on Gender, Peace and Security from 29 – 30 October 2015 in Johannesburg. The Symposium aims to build the capacity of stakeholders and link gender in peace and security with existing mandates of Ministries responsible for Gender/Women’s Affairs, Police and Defence in Member States.

The symposium will focus on Article 28 of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development on Peace Building and Conflict Resolution which calls on states to enable greater participation of women in peace and security decision-making, the prevention of SGBV and the protection of women during conflict.

The Symposium is timely because it is preceded by the Security Council High-level Review of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR1325) taking place in New York on the 14th October. The High level review will assess progress made at the global, regional and country levels in implementing the resolution. The Symposium will discuss the outcomes of the review and implications for our sub-region and inform future interventions.

The meeting will bring together about 70 participants – government officials from Ministries of Police, Defence, Foreign Affairs as well as experts and organisations working in the area of Gender, Peace and Security. Officials from Gender/Women’s Affairs Ministries and representatives from gender/women’s organisations who will have just concluded a technical meeting to discuss the first draft of the revised targets of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development will also attend.

Key objectives
– Review Article 28 on Peace Building and Conflict Resolution and make suggestions for the future framework.
– Discuss outcomes of the UN Security Council High level global review of UNSCR and implications for our sub-region so that this informs future interventions.
– Sharing knowledge, lessons and experiences in the area of women, peace building and conflict resolutions.
– Member States reflect on the value of National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security.
– Reinvigorate the civil society Gender, Peace and Security clusters at national and regional level so that they become key resources for the sector and are able to learn from good practices.


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