South Africa: 9th March, UN agencies round table discussion on Gender Links’ Gauteng GBV Indicators research – UN agencies led by UNAIDS will hold the round table discussion as part of International Women’s Day celebrations.
South Africa: 8 March, Roundtable discussions on 50/50 legislated quotas –
The Commission on Gender Equality will host a round table discussion on 5050 legislated quotas at Constitution Hill on 8 March as part of International Women’s Day celebrations. Please contact: Janine Hicks:
Tanzania: 7 – 8 March, TGNP will host international women’s day celebrations and Alliance reference group meeting
About 600 people are expected to turn up at the IWD celebrations to be held in Dar es Salaam
Global: 27 February – 9th March, Commission on the Status of Women
Africa: 28 – 29 March, Regional colloquium for women leaders as agents of change, Accra-Ghana
The Commonwealth Secretariat is collaborating with the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Ghana in organizing a Colloquium for Women Leaders as Agents of Change for the Africa Region. The Colloquium will be a two-day event will be held at La Palm Royal Beach Hotel in Accra, Ghana and expected to attract women leaders from across Africa, including key stakeholders from government, parliamentarians, political parties, the media, civil society and the private sector.
Regional: 6 March – 25 April, Country and local regional gender justice summits
Gender Links in collaboration with strategic partners is holding seven Local Government and Regional Gender Justice and Local Government Summits according to schedule below. Read more
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