Adopt integrated approaches, including institutional cross sector structures, with the aim of reducing current levels of GBV by half by 2015

Date: May 22, 2015
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Gender-based violence (GBV) is violence that is directed against a person on the basis of gender. It constitutes a breach of the fundamental right to life, freedom, security, self-esteem, equality between women and men, non-discrimination and physical and mental integrity. Forms of GBV are sexual, physical, and psychological violence. Victims of violence can suffer sexual and reproductive health consequences, including forced and unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, sexually transmitted infections including HIV, and even death.

Manyame Rural District Council realized that GBV limits women and girls ’ access to basic services such as health and education, as well as livelihood opportunities and participation in political life so this cycle of violence can and must change. Our Council and its partners have made great strides in addressing GBV, but more effort is needed to engross individuals, communities and institutions in violence prevention and reaching survivors with appropriate services.

Download : 20734_main-applicationending-gbv-and-post-2015bridgette-ananiah.doc

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