An integrated approach to Tuberculosis and H.I.V a case of Kadoma , Zimbabwe

Date: May 22, 2015
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Kadoma city has a population of about 99 288 . There are 166 clients who are on TB treatment, 5 068clients on ART and a total of 135 are on a combined treatment. Kadoma City Council has one Integrated TB and H.I.V Care center situated in Rimuka high density suburb. The success of the services has been due to combined TB and HIV treatment which is being offered on the same premises. Management of the clients and monitoring of recovery is now easier. The transport costs are reduced, thereby improving adherence and means of livelihood to the clients and the community at large. This has seen the community being motivated to use the service at their access. It is against this background that it is important to roll out the integrated services to four other Kadoma City Council clinics to reduce the distance to facility by the community thereby increasing the number of clients accessing the integrated services. Our alliance is made up of Kadoma City Council; TB Care; TB Challenge; TB Union, Ministry of Health and Child Care , PLHIV, NAC through DAAC ZNNP+, Soap Box and Zim Health or HIV- Global Fund Zimbbwe National family Planning Council Elizabeth Glasier foundation, Kapnek Community Support Groups.

This is in support of the gender protocol article 27 subsection 3 which states that :
It aims to ensure universal access to HIV and AIDS treatment for infected women ,men ,girls and boys.

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