Summit 2016: Charleshill sub District Council

Date: July 16, 2018
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Charles Hill is the second-largest settlement in Ghanzi District, Botswana. There are eight villages and two settlements lying within Charles Hill, Chobokwane, Tsootsha (also known as Kalkfontein), Karakubis, Xanagas, New Xanagas, Charleshill, Makunda, Koke (also called Kuke), Ncojane and Metsimontsu.

The council has lacked exercise a number of gender-related policies to guide its work, Because there is are no females councillors in their respective council. The district council consist of 7 male councillors. The Mayor, as well as the Deputy Mayor of the council are males.

The council is made up of five committees of which are chaired by men. There are more women than men in their Workforce of the council. There are more men than women in the workforce of the council.

Young people, people living with disabilities (PWD) and community members participate in community-based planning projects and meetings. Between 51 and 75 percent, women participate in public consultations.

The total workforce of the council employees consist of 47 percent women, 23 percent youth and one percent people with disabilities. Women are only nine of management. The accounting is prominently  women at the council and only one male. The recruitment, selection and promotion policies are put in place to make sure that women, men, people living with disability, and youth are employed in equal numbers across jobs, grades and in management positions and are equally remunerated for equal work. There is an affirmative action policy for ensuring 50 percent by 2030.

There are provisions for maternity leave but none for paternity leave. The council does have a sexual harassment policy. Cases of sexual harassment are dealt in a way of promoting ethical language and behavior in the work place. The council has made physical environment user friendly to people living with disabilities. The council provided rest rooms, sloping ramps for them.

Charleshill sub District Council allocates a substantial budget to gender-related projects, these amounts have increased from 2015 to 2016.

Category Budget 2015 Budget 2016
Resources allocated to promoting gender equality in decision-making and public participation $3 000


Financial allocation not available.
Resources allocated to promoting gender equality/family friendly/ youth and disability friendly policies and practices  $20 $20


Resources allocated to gender-responsive local economic development Financial allocation not available.  Financial allocation not available.
Resources allocated to promoting gender/youth/PWD responsive projects on climate change Financial allocation not available. Financial allocation not available.

As part of the of the Council’s local economic development plan, 20 percent of annual tenders is allocated to vulnerable groups being youth ,women and disability groups.50 discount for tender documents for youth. There are 1474 beneficiaries benefiting from jobs created by the council, 1225 women and  249 men.

There is a total of 12 people allocated to housing by the council, seven of which are women and five men.

Click here to read more about Charleshill sub District Council 

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