Date: June 24, 2019
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Mabutsane Police Station launched a campaign against Gender Based Violence, in which Public Outreach was intensified to raise awareness on this silent human rights killer termed GBV. We also on the light of the above, launched a task team code named “Eseng mo basading le bana ba rona” of which its preliminary role was to revisit GBV cold cases and relaunch investigations, monitoring and assessments of GBV recidivist, investigate existing cases and bring offenders to book. The exercise to commence during 2018/2019 financial year across Mabutsane Policing area.

We choose to be pro-active against Gender Based Violence. As such this strategy is ideal in such a way that it is all about reaching out to the masses with information on how to prevent and deter an incident relating to Gender Based Violence.Its ultimate goal was to equip targeted group, women and girls in particular with knowledge and skill on how to detect GBV related environment, to further equip them with how to respond whenever they are or about to be victims of GBV.The strategy is ideal as it bridges existing gap between women and children, the aforesaid will be able to share and confide in responsible officers whenever they fall or about to be victims of GBV.

Revisiting of cold cases and intensifying investigations in respect of GBV cases. The ultimate goal is to bring offenders to book so as to deter resurgent of GBV cases in our policing area. Prosecution of offenders is a deterrent on its own as masses will be aware of the consequences of GBV. The strategy is Zero tolerance to GBV and conviction of GBV will lead to GBV free society.

We embark on ROAD SIDE LECTURES throughout our District targeting roadblocks and truck bay. We have realized that most perpetrators are male persons, our findings are that males are mostly drivers hence we targeted them including truck drivers using our A1 Trans Kalahari Highway road en-route across SADC countries.Still under Public Awareness, we had Kgotla meetings to reach the adult group audience. this was to inform the audience that GBV is real and uprising as such we shared ideas on how to subdue this silent human rights killer.The above strategies are to equip the mental capacity of the receiver on how to respond and deter GBV on his/ her lifetime. I am of view that knowledge is power, was given it cant be taken aback.

Police officers are pioneers of the Criminal Justice System. Their role is to investigate thoroughly GBV cases and bring offenders to book. This is delivered on a two way perspective; first to sweep off recidivists and perpetrators of GBV off the community to rehabilitation & correctional services, lastly to bring closure to victims of GBV and reintegrate them back to the society.Ministry of Local Government through office of Social Work:
With assessment of both parties involved in GBV either as victim or perpetrator. Their findings were vital in prosecution or disposal of the matters before Courts of Law as the Court will be informed with the actual picture of what has or is transpiring on the ground between partied involved hence the Court will come up with an informed verdict.

Mabutsane Police work with Humana People to People Organisation, LOCAL GOVERNMENT, HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE, DMSAC. This organizations work together in reducing issues of GBV and cases of neglect of children. different activities gender stadium activities, awareness through kgotla meetings, cluster meetings.we in conjunction with office of Social Welfare, Department of Correctional and Rehabilitation Services visited victims of GBV so as to establish if there is recurrence or not. we also had the opportunity to revisit ex-convicts as result of GBV offenses they committed, to check progress and assess their integration back into the society.

We had financial challenges as there was no specify budget for this exercise,however, as foot soldiers we made use of available resources such as institutional vehicles and devoted our extra time to foot on and bring the mandate to the masses. We also liaised with Station traffic officers to ensure that we reach to drivers and motorists during their routine roadblocks.We have managed to formulate District Men’s Sector Committee with a view to educate the boy child on GBV issues and how best to deal with anger management.we still yet to equip the members with rightful tools and expertise to facilitate our target group, and we are yet to come up with a boot camp targeting a boy child so as to make them Zero tolerant to a boy child will be graduating into manhood, we look forward to have groomed responsible men whom in turn will be great husbands and fathers to the next generation.

We had learnt that education and knowledge is the key to every successful en devour. we have resolved to seek appropriate educational materials and utilize information boards to disseminate information through out our policing district. we will also intensify strategies on the ground so as to instill sense of confidence and self belief in our communities


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