Botswana: Mosadithari Support Group

Date: August 23, 2018
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This project target single female parent families to deal with the social issues that they encounter in their aspects of life. The engaged individuals also reach out to the community to address the needs of the community. The group encourage other single parents in the community. they are often invited to facilitate in health activities, campaigns and workshops on issues surrounding, HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health issues. the campaigns are also extended to other issues such as tuberculosis, measles and other diseases.

The key objectives of this project is to assist these mothers with information on good parenting skills. To assist them to accept the situation they find themselves in. To assist them to be integrated in to the society. Help them understand the Laws, Policies and Acts which they can use to fight and protect their rights and those of their children.Ā  Give them information on HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health. To equip them with life skills so that the able to deal with emotional and socio-economic situations effects such as budgeting and decision making.

Furthermore, To give them an opportunity to share experiences so as to gain emotional connection when they feel isolated from friends and families. To give them opportunity to release painful emotions they may otherwise keep to themselvesĀ  and assist them to come up with income generating projects in order for them to better their lives.

The main activities are:

  • S&CD made an advertisement to the public in the form of mobilization to single female headed families.
  • Twelve participants were oriented and inducted in the formation of the group
  • After the ground rules were formed and the mandate of the group was laid out, the group was trained intensively on a three days workshops.
  • Another empowerment workshop was held for a period of two days to capacitate the participants.

The project reaches 12 direct beneficiaries. In kind contributions amounted to $8 397. The total budget for the project isĀ  $8Ā 397.

Key challenges related to this project is that limited resources the group has always relied on S&CD to source out resources for it to operate smoothly. The resources include among other things, transport, finances and other material needs. Lack of commitment of some members Other committee members rely on others most of the time and do not actively participate in the group’s activities. the office continue to encourage and motivate the members for continued engagement. Limited social and life skills Some members still struggle to be peers because of the above challenge. two training workshops have been done with support.

The women have been able to have access to the services of the needs in their lives. All of them have been approved to be funded with individual small scale projects under the poverty eradication scheme to improve their personal livelihoods. The projects include among others, sewing, tent hire, bakery, cleaning services and food catering. Most members have become more assertive more so that they can be able to empower other women.

Florah Banankoko who is the chairperson of Mosadithari support group, has been provided with a bakery project. She sells bread confectionaries such bun and fat cakes. Mrs Banankoko has been able to connect electricity with the aid of the poverty eradication project which she accessed through this support group.

What makes the project easy to replicate is theĀ  Support in terms of resources both materially and skills can keep the project going. Various initiatives and innovation can break the monotony of doing the same thing again and again hence sustaining the functionality of the group.

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