“Supporting wellness and education in adolescents living with HIV”
Teens Club had its first inter district games in December 2018, hosted at Maiteko CJSS in Mabutsane. The games engaged teenager in sports like netball, football and volleyball and held a beauty pageant that included both genders.
The club aims to improve the overall emotional and physical health of adolescents living with HIV in the southern region of Botswana.They do this through health and wellness education, leadership skills training and by providing a platform where teenagers living HIV can connect with each other and support each other without the fear of stigma.
Its activities such as sports competitions, health education workshops and social activities and They partner with Mabutsane, Tsabong and Moshupa Teen Clubs; Ministry of Health and Wellness; Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture, Sentebale organization, Trans Cash and Carry and Debswana.
The club received a cash grant of $7, 600.00 from the Ministry of Health and a drinks and snacks donation from Trans Cash and Carry. They also received $60 from Sentabale Organization while the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture and Debswana provided them with sports kits.
The direct beneficiaries of the inter district games were 61 women and 55 men while indirect beneficiaries were 17 women and 8 men. In total they were 141 beneficiaries.
To monitor the impact of their activities the club seeks feedback during Teen Club meetings. The feedback discussion gauge how teens responded to the activities partake in and their receptiveness to advice.
They have successfully trained 25 teen club facilitators and continues to bring together boys and girls to socialize with each other thus breaking down gender norms.
Challenges/ Lessons Learned
The club faced the following hindrances during the games: lack of adequate transportation, water shortages, electricity outrages, budget limitations and accommodation challenges. The club’s takeaway from the inter district games is that they need to increase engagement from facilitators and give the kids more downtime.
Sustainability and Replication
To ensure sustainability of its efforts the club continues to engage teens in health education activities during the monthly Teen Club meet ups in the respective districts. The club is currently planning their 2nd annual inter district games in Tsabong, and are seeking to partner with departments like Gender Affairs and S&CD to ensure that the adolescents enjoy continued positive support.
Comment on Summit 2019:Teen club inter district games by Botho Tumaeletse