Byldrift CHBC

Date: May 14, 2015
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Byldrift CHBC had been built with the coalition and support from the Departments of Health, Social Development, Lepelle-Nkumpi Municipality, National Lottery, community, community leaders and Magoshi. It was established as an answer to the high pandemic of HIV/AIDS in the community and the whole country. The whole process had numerous achievements starting with creating awareness and insight about the disease, the causes, prevention and treatment. It created jobs to twenty-eight (28) people in the community who also got education on HIV/AIDS and related diseases certification. The same twenty-eight members have got a uniform which identifies their visibility in the community when they are busy with care work. It assisted three hundred and sixty (360) HIV/AIDS patients and two hundred and sixty (260) orphans and child-headed families with Birth Certificates. The Department of Social Development provided ten (10) child-headed families with uniform distributed through the project. The local clinic provides the project with Health kit-bags for care work services in the community. The community is also benefiting from the project borehole which supplies the community with water for their domestic chores and vegetable gardens. This is also benefiting the HIV/AIDS patients and child-headed families with fresh produce vegetables and fruits to those who have some orchards. One of the community members donated three (3) shacks which serve as offices for the project manager, project coordinator and the finance officer.

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