Byron. Media

Date: June 2, 2014
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The story submitted focused on how long distance relationships between married couples affected their relationships. Infidelity came to the fore when men and women in various occupations brought them apart.

It also highlighted the issue of maintenance whereby certain men sire children out of wedlock and marry elsewhere. The fact that men normally left their children – be they boys and girls in the care of their mothers highlights the extent of the burden given to women when they support their children on their own in cases of divorce.

Women are generally regarded as drivers of reproduction in the society we live in. From as early as creation itself, women are considered as child bearers. Biblically, when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, God commanded that Eve would endure pain at child birth.

Prior to that, there is a depiction of Adam as a lonely man in the Garden of Eden. While Adam enjoyed the abundance of flora and fauna in the garden, God saw that he needed company. Thus he forced Adam to fall into a deep sleep and removed a rib from him through which he formed Eve who was to be Adamâ € ™s wife and companion.

This is how men and women started living together. Before sinning, we hear that the two lived equally as mere companions. This means they shared everything and took care of everything in the Garden of Eden on an equal basis.

Adam and Eve received the same commandments on eating all the other fruits of the garden except the tree of knowledge which was in the middle of the garden. The Bible is silent on who wielded greater authority thus we would assume that men and women enjoyed equity and equality. There was no discrimination on gender basis.

We only hear that Eve sinned when she had parted ways with Adam her companion and met the cunning serpent which persuaded her to taste of the forbidden fruit. Thus we would assume that maybe Adam would have given wise counsel to Eve to disregard the evil machinations of the serpent. Thus we find that it is important to work together as men and women at all times.

Still on the form of punishment for Eveâ € ™s sins, God commanded that Adam would be the head of the family. He was to work hard to toil for the family. This is when gender discrimination in terms of allocation of work started among men and women.

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