Celebrating 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence in Kadoma

Date: May 22, 2015
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Kadoma City participated in the National Gender Summit organised by Gender Links. Following the summit, Kadoma City organised a commemoration and awareness on 16 days of activism against gender based violence. This brought about awareness about gender based violence and ways of reporting and ending it as women shared their experiences. Concerted efforts were called for, from everyone including the church to ensure a safe and peaceful environment for women and children. It was the 3rd time the event has been celebrated in the city and men and women learnt a lot from the shared experiences from victims of gender violence.

The commemoration on 16 days against GBV was the climax of other events and processes that are being done in the City that include:-

Commemoration of women ’s day
Award Ceremony to Gender Champions
Wheel chair donations
Commemoration of TB and HIV/AIDS day

Download : 20733_main-applicationending-gender-based-violence-and-post-2015caroline-muringazuva.docx

One thought on “Celebrating 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence in Kadoma”

Reitebohetse Khotlele says:

Gender Based Violence is really a bad practice mostly influenced by social norms that women are inferior to men and it’s been a long time popular fallacy. As humans being we are all the same weather young, old, male or female we are the same race, human. I hope one day we wake up to the world that understands how important a human being is and value everyone like oneself.

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