CHENAI-Recycling , Reuse and Reducing solid waste in Karoi

Date: May 25, 2015
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Situation for solid waste in Karoi
According to the information collected from Karoi Town Council, Planning and Engineering Department (Refuse Department); the EMA Karoi and sample waste surveys carried out by the AFM the average Karoi resident generates about 500 grams of waste per day. Although the per capita waste is low compared to western countries, the volume is huge. The generation of solid waste in Karoi can be estimated to grow rapidly annually. The expected generation of waste in 2025 will therefore be around 900 grams per capita per day. Considering that the urban population of Karoi is expected to grow from the prevailing figures, the magnitude of the problem is likely to grow even larger unless immediate steps are taken.
While the quantity of solid waste generated by society is increasing, the composition of waste is becoming more and more diversified, with increasing use of packaging materials made of both paper and plastic. Thirty years ago, the composition of solid waste generated in Karoi was characterized by one-fifth non-biodegradable waste and four- fifths biodegradable waste . At present, this ratio has reversed; a mere 40 per- cent of all solid waste is biodegradable while 60 percent is non-biodegradable.
Out of the total solid waste generated, 35% is collected, while 65% percent is disposed unscientifically at some informal and or illegal dumpsites . The town has inadequate waste transportation facilities. The waste is often left unattended at the disposal sites, creating a health hazard. Plastic contents are for instance amassed by private individuals that sell them to small factories with no adequate technology, leading to the emission of toxic fumes. Urban slums are likely to be the ones most neglected. Hence, despite concerted efforts by policy makers to create a legal framework around the issue, solid waste in Karoi is still in need of massive attention and acute management.

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