Climate Change and opportunities for sustainable development for women in marginalized areas in Zimbabwe

Date: May 25, 2015
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CADS ’ interventions recognize the important role played by women in communal agriculture. This crucial role is however constrained by a myriad of challenges largely influenced by the societal ascribed roles of women, long standing history of traditional practices and the increased occurrence of droughts due to climate change. The following conspicuous manifestations of unequal involvement and consideration of rural women in contributing to the livelihoods of their families have been addressed by CADS:
• Addressing improper workload balances that leave women with less time for other household duties.
• Limited technical knowledge on farming enterprises based on a whole history of exclusion from trainings in the past.
• Improving contribution to household income through training women on food processing and marketing.
• Improving access to finance at community level through training women on Savings and Internal Lending Corporatives.

Download : 20937_zimgender-and-climate-changenhamo-dapi.docx

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