Climate Change in Arandis

Date: May 25, 2014
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Ellies Flower & Vegetable Garden was established due to an unemployment situation. The purpose of the Project is to do vegetable production through a simplified hydroponic method, which adaptable to the Arandis situation (since we live in the heart of the Namib Desert). The hydroponic method enables vegetable production with little water losses through leaching and evaporation. The initiative is aiming at promoting intensive agriculture in Arandis in order to create employment, reduce poverty, and improve health and nutrition. We identified a new concept in reducing costs on fertilizer by collecting goat manure from the farms, using it in the garden, spraying water thrice (3) times a week, out of the goat manure develops small acacia trees, which we transplant and then planting it out in plastic bags and nurture it until its ready for sales. The trees can be used by the community to have trees in your yards (especially in the desert), the peels produced on the trees are collected and bags are sold to farmers for the goats during drought periods.

Download : 18571_ellie-nowasesclimate-change.docx

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