Citizens in various walks of life now realize that they are no different to the rest of the world. People now openly discuss certain hurdles they encounter as compared to â € œpretendingâ € . They have come to accept that whatever they encounter, someone somewhere has encountered and one has choice on how to deal with the hurdle. I now have people from all walks of life stopping me to inform me on how they are inspired by my writing and how I have given them hope and belief in themselves. Children from various schools now stop and engage with me never failing to share how they have been inspired not only by my writing but by the fact that I am interviewed on television/radio and I always uplift and inspire them. Women who are undergoing treatment of cancer or are in abusive relationships have come to the realization that they have the power to â € œhealâ € and the power to move away from such relationships whenever they deem fit. Self-belief is one of the most powerful attributes one can tap into for then we empower ourselves and gain self-confidence. The misguided conception that because we come from less privileged backgrounds there are no opportunities available to us is slowly becoming something of the past for at any given moment people have realized that they can choose thoughts which not only make them feel great but which thoughts also â € œhealâ € their bodies and get them out of their comfort zones thus ensuring they become self-sufficient. Certain people have overcome obesity, cancer, depression and various other dis-eases as a result of becoming more conscious of their thoughts. Lack of self-worth is something of the past for all my writings are based on taking responsibility for oneâ € ™s life and living positively.
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