Constitutional and Regal Rights, Peace and Security

Date: June 8, 2015
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The coalition is known as Wanawake na Katiba. Achievements in United Republic of Tanzania proposed constitution the preamble commits that the government will strive to build a nation guided by the principles of human dignity, freedom, human rights, equality of persons.
In chapter one (Article 6g) note that, development of the economy is guided by principles of equity (Article 8e and Article 8g) provides equal opportunity to all Citizens.
Gender Equality is spelt out in political economic and social development sections (Article 12: a, prohibits all forms of discrimination based on race, religion and sex).
(Article 13g) provides that the government will ensure access to health services including access to maternal health services.
(Article 23: d) all women have the right to access, control, use and develop land in the same manner as men
Chapter Five spells out human rights of people generally and specific group rights including protection against discriminative practices of specific groups. Article 51 gives every Citizen the right to health services and cleans safe water.
The principle of Equality of representation in the parliament of URT is provided in Chapter Ten, Article 129:4
Chapter 13, Article 209 2: The appointment of a leader and a civil servant in any institution or ministry gender equality representation will be considered.
Political parties are obliged to adhere to the gender equality principle in leadership positions as a condition for registration (Article 224:2; e)
The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance has been granted the responsibility of monitoring gender equality and equity in general (Article238 b and c).
It has been effective since in the Coalition every organization had a role based to its nature of work for example; TAMWA took the task of creating awareness of the constitutional process through the media.

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