Eliminating GBV through training and support programme

Eliminating GBV through training and support programme

Date: July 6, 2019
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Title Eliminating GBV through training and support programme
Result Statement Groupement Social de Souillac is an NGO with 17 years of existence and their main objective is to fight against poverty through Training, Education and Support.
Context •       At Groupement Social de Souillac (GSS), the dream is fir a society where disadvantaged people have the necessary support

•       They believe that human beings should be at the center of all kinds of development.

•       In 2013, GSS actively participated in activities against domestic violence organized by the Gender Links and thereafter the continued the fight for equality with GL ever since

•       GSS Management Committee realised that this issue of domestic violence affected the majority of our own members and was prevalent in the region

•       It became apparent that GSS had to do something about domestic violence and its impact on women and the family.

•       A whole reflection was made with the collaboration of the different leaders in the region and committee was set up to start thinking about how to work on the problem

Key Actions Trainings are put in place by qualified people. This project was in 3 phases :

Year 1 : Training on lifeskills  ( to make people more confident first)

Year 2 & 3: Economic Women by Mr Bruneau Woomed

In 2014, a training for Survivors of Gender Based Violence was initiated. After one year of training with 30 survivors of Gender Based Violence we decided that they had to be empowered in different ways, namely through continued education and through an entrepreneurship program. The Entrepreneurship course has been delivered to 3 separate locations : Souillac, Camp Diable and L’Escalier

Partners Women’s associations, religious bodies, youth, Senior Citizens, Sports associations, Village Council, District Council’s Chairperson and Councilors, Social workers from the South, Officers of the Ministry of Women, Social Security, NEF, ZVZ
Strategies Training and empowerment of youth through education
Budget Total budget of Rs 931,000 for the training programme supported by the Barclays Bank
Training Module Location Number of Beneficiaries
Gender Based Violence Workshops in Surinam with Zezi Vre Zom (ZVZ) 30 Men, 100 Women
Literacy With ELIT 135 women
Entrepreneurship Souillac

Camp Diable

75 women

20 women

Life Skills L’Escalier, Camp Diable 120 women
Training for employment With Mrs Roselle 90 women
Challenges P. Bignoux, from GSS notes that it is challenging to work with domestic violence (DV) survivors as they are traumatised, men tend to be more quiet and working with DV survivors itself is a challenge.

This project is not funded by the government and it depends on donors and members of the NGO provides Rs 10 per month.


Immediate results and next steps Changes in lifestyle and 2 women overcame their diffculties and were empowered – testimonial on powerpoint
Long term Impact To combat poverty and DV
Learning and how this will be applied Training and education.

Sensitisation & awareness.


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