Employee grievances of sexual harassment in the work place

Date: May 22, 2015
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Using the Bulawayo City Council Code of Conduct to Attend to employee grievances of sexual harassment in the work place, the motivation was that employees when assisted to resolve their grievances in time are able to find relief in that they quickly find closure, to their problems.

The counselling of a staff member when things are really down, made me realise that, grievances can be solved by also involving the family even if it is a work related grievance, especially when the family is aware of that particular grievance and that authority has to be sought from the aggrieved.

Counselling of the aggrieved should play a paramount role in that sometimes they have a strong sense and feeling that they are alone and that the employer is taking sides against them, ending up with suicidal thoughts.

Sexual harassment cases are difficult especially when dealing with married people, there will be fear that the spouse might assume that it is a case of sour grape.

The aggrieved staff member will feel a sense of belonging in the organisation as they will be content if the grievance is concluded fairly and in their favour hence showing that the employer has their interests and welfare at heart at all times in the workplace.

The good practice has drastically transformed people ’s lives, in that through the pre-retirement and counselling sessions. Employees have noted that it gives them time for them to prepare in advance for retirement without fear.

During the pre-retirement and counselling session on how to start preparing by involving the family in future plans would alleviate possible Gender Based Violence (GBV). After the pensions would have come out if there is no prior planning the family sometimes disintegrates. Issues of wife beating were addressed and the participants advised each other that there was need for fathers to take up their roles as head of family and be always happy with their families instead of shouting at them resulting in fear.

It also came out that husbands earn their respect from their spouses and children by respecting them instead of looking down upon them through harassment. Encouragement from fellow participants on maintaining the family unit.

Download : 20759_main-applicationending-gender-based-violence-and-post-2015memory-tshuma-2015.docx

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