Equity in Access to Housing

Date: May 22, 2015
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The Housing and community services department has a non- discriminatory housing policy that recognises women and man alike with regards to home ownership. Registration on the waiting list recognises everyone at the age of 18 and above and is charged a flat figure, though the ideal would have been a lower fee skewed in favour of women, providing a key entry to home ownership by all. In an effort to ensure compliance and monitor implementation of the housing policy, the waiting list records captures gender dissegregated data. The department will use the information to further advocate for favourable conditions for more women to apply for residential stands. The culmination of the registration process saw everyone on the waiting list being assessed for qualification to one of the biggest housing projects ever undertaken by the city of Kadoma, the Victory farm housing project, with a potential 10 000 housing units.

Download : 20725_main-applicationending-gender-based-violence-and-post-2015gbvblessing-chikomwe.docx

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