GBV Prevention through Transforming Rural Economies from being Agro-based Economies to Cash Based Economies in the Wake of Climate Change.

Date: May 25, 2015
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Fatherhood conducted a Baseline Survey entitled: Evaluating the Gendered Impacts of Climate Change on Rural Communities; the Case Study of Zimunya –Marange Constituency (2013). The objective of the Survey was to identify Climate Change induced GBV and related challenges; access the sustainability of copying mechanisms and establishing intergenerational GBV Preventive Family Institutions in the wake of changing Climates. The Survey revealed that Climate Change induced food insecurity is the most pressing challenge affecting communities and causing escalation of domestic violence.

The Survey revealed great opportunities for communities to bounce back from food insecurity scenario through transformation of rural economies from being Agro-based Economies to Cash-Based Economies. Transformed Rural Economies ’ livelihood will be based upon the families ’ improved income generation capacity, improved productivity, diversifying food sources and increasing buying power. Cash-Based Economies will be anchored by Consolidated Gardening along perennial water sources, commercialization of indigenous chickens and commercialization of indigenous goats.

Download : 20938_zimgender-and-climate-changeregis-manjoro.doc

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