Gender Based Violence

Gender Based Violence

Date: May 11, 2015
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LCDZ has engaged on a three pronged approach to end Gender Based Violence (GBV) and discrimination of Persons with Disabilities in Goromonzi District. The entry point is to raise awareness on Gender Based Violence through awareness campaigns and identify persons with disabilities in their respective communities. One on one counselling and experience sharing is the next step carried out through the programme to identify individual problems. The clients are then supported or referred accordingly- cases of sexual abuse are supported through the Access to Justice Programme where the cases will only be closed once they perpetrators are brought to justice. For the rest of the clients, they are supported to engage in various livelihoods projects to boost their self esteem and to ensure active contribution in community development initiatives.
Gender Based Violence among persons with disabilities is often a silent issue. in most cases it is because society cannot relate to issues of disability. in other cases it is because understanding of disability related issues is minimal. in some cases, persons with disabilities are abused because of poverty. there is often a relationship between poverty and disability hence the need to include access to livelihoods as the final solution to Gender Based Violence.
The main achievements so far are that society is now more aware of disability related issues. It is also important to note that as a result of the best practice, most partners are deliberately including disability issues in their planning. The Ministry of Women Affairs and Community Development officials are now constantly engaging with Leonard Cheshire Zimbabwe to get a clearer appreciation of Disability and Development. Our courts and law enforcement agencies are now more aware of disability issues and are giving priority to persons with disabilities. In order to support their work, LCDZ offers both technical and logistical support to ensure that issues of gender based violence receive the necessary legal intervention.
In conclusion, it is important to note that the best practice initiated by LCDZ will need to be taken as a pilot study, that if it is adopted at national level will reach all persons with disabilities in all parts of Zimbabwe. It is also important for government departments and other partners to deliberately include disability issues in their different initiatives taken in the implementation of this protocol. LCDZ will be willing to give technical expertise in this area.

Download : 20524_mainapplicationgender-based-violencejuliet-muzondo.docx

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