Gender based violence (GBV) prevention and reduction of maternal mortality

Date: May 12, 2014
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13 networks were established and trained in three districts of Lesotho, namely Mohaleâ € ™s Hoek, Maseru and Mafeteng. To ensure the effectiveness of these networks the four days training covered concepts of sexual reproductive health, gender and gender based violence, national laws that regulate GBV, all reporting mechanisms in place as well as the referral system. Umbrella terms of reference were developed for all established networks, and these networks were later introduced and linked to in-community services that respond to cases of gender based violence and provide sexual reproductive services. A total of 260 community members of which 127 were male and 133 female were trained on gender, sexual reproductive health rights and human rights. The trainings were intended to equip the network members with basic skills on gender and human rights issues and prepare them to serve in the networks.

The trained networks will advise on the referral mechanism in place and be able to provide a response where GBV cases are identified. The networks will also orientate survivors on how to access those services. The main objective of these trainings was to ensure that, at the least, communities know of all existing referral systems in place and have access to ethical orientation, referral and accompaniment support as they access whatever existing services they can.

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