Hlabana Monyebody

Date: May 25, 2015
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Our home based care program has been growing by leaps and bounds, working in partnership with Department of Health, Department of Social Development, Department of public works, the district and local municipality, NGOs such as AIDS Consortium, faith based organisations community leaders, (traditional leaders, religious leaders, ward committee, ward councillors, business people, youth forum, CBO forum, South African Police Services, Department of Home Affairs, South African Social Security Agency, local policing forum, media, and other stakeholders. Through these partnerships our home based care is able to function effectively. We have gained support from influential people in our communities. The CBO forum has provided a platform for us to engage with government to deal with challenges faced by non-profit organisation at the grassroots level, especially those dealing with issues of HIV/AIDS, People living with disabilities, gender based violence, women and children. Our organisation is part of the local and district municipality CBO forum whereby government departments and CBOs engage and develop strategies that will foster support and development CBOs at the local communities.

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