Improving Reproductive and Child health services through ICT Intervention (Case study: Male involvement best practice)

Date: May 22, 2015
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Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC) being an Ecumenical Body which was jointly established in 1992 by the Christian Council of Tanzania (CCT) and the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC); exists to facilitate/coordinate the delivery of social services with a focus on Education and Health. Estimated about 40% of the health services are being provided in
the Country. The commission ’s dream is to see an enlightened and well educated community that is enjoying quality life and is free from diseases of poverty. CSSC support the delivery of social services by church institutions in Tanzania through collaboration and partnership, advocacy, lobbying, capacity building and selected interventions, with compassion and love of Christ. CSSC gradually building capacity to member institutions to deliver desired quality social services. It focuses on health, education and cross- cutting (Gender, Governance, and Population & Environment) interventions.

Apparently, CSSC has managed to implement one year pilot project to improve reproductive and child health care system through ICT intervention at health facility in Rufiji district Coastal region in Tanzania. The project has helped to achieve millennium development goals 4 and 5 in reducing both maternal and under five children morbidity and mortality rates. This project has taken into account the current situation whereby Tanzania has a remarkable maternal and less than 5 mortality rate for the past years due to WHO report of 2008, estimated to be 790 cases per 100,000 and 108 cases per 1000 live births respectively.

There has been some observation that Rufiji District has High Maternal Mortality Rates and Under-five children Mortality rate due to;

? Inadequate record keeping of antenatal visits for pregnant mothers attending clinic and under 5 children,
? Lack of community participation in providing support to pregnant mothers and children,
? Lack of peer to peer education and interaction between pregnant mothers, community health workers and Traditional birth attendants in delivering health related information,
? Poor attendance of pregnant mothers to clinic and deliver at the health facility due to distance and scattered area.

In order to achieve the goal, the project comprises the following specific objectives:-
? To improve access of RCH data for effective, monitoring, planning and decision making at all level in the district
? To deliver first line support through Tele-medicine and improvement of referral system at the district
? To improve provision of health education and promotion to health workers and community through blended learning

Therefore, in order to ensure that mothers are getting free from maternal death in Rufiji district and achieve the goal, the expected results were; hybrid (web , mobile) application of reproductive and child health information that aims to reduce maternal and under 5 mortality and morbidity rates by early identification of the risks and danger sign, an improved reproductive and child health referral system in the facilities, an trained and informed health workers and community as well as Male involvement.

Download : 20742_renatus-sonafboapplication-clm032015.docx

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