â € ¢ Limpopo Khuseleka One-Stop Centre is a ground-breaking initiative of the Dept. of Social Development;
â € ¢ It is also the first long-term VEP-shelter model that accommodates women, men and children who victims of manmade and natural disasters including people with disability;
â € ¢ It is undertaken with support from European Union (EU) and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to address crimes such as domestic violence, gender-based violence, rape, sexual abuse, human trafficking and all manmade and natural disasters;
â € ¢ Khuseleka is derived from a Zulu word meaning â € œprotectionâ € or â € œ providing a protective environmentâ € ;
â € ¢ It is a good practice because: It is a multi-sectoral approach and its aim is to provide integrated services that represent a unique partnership between all the departments in the government of South Africa, development agencies and civil society Organizations in the country;
â € ¢ It provides a â € œplace of refugeâ € where victims of crime and violence are offered a continuum of services from one central point within a multi-disciplinary approach model with different relevant stakeholders under one roof;
â € ¢ Khuseleka One-Stop centre renders a full basket of services including reintegration of survivors into the community and self-reliance.
â € ¢ To promote the well-being, physical safety and economic security of victims/survivors;
â € ¢ To enable women to overcome the multiple consequences of violence and to rebuild their lives;
â € ¢ To facilitate the gradual emergence of a common national approach to the establishment of One-stop centers;
â € ¢ To ensure that victims/survivors have access to appropriate services and a range of support options are available that take into account the particular access needs of women facing multiple discrimination;
â € ¢ To ensure that service providers are skilled, gender sensitive and have on-going training and conduct their work in accordance with clear guidelines, protocols, ethic codes and, where possible provide female staff;
â € ¢ To maintain confidentiality and privacy of victims/survivors;
â € ¢ To co-operate and coordinate with all other services for victims/survivors of violence;
â € ¢ To monitor and evaluate the services provided;
â € ¢ To reject ideologies that excuse or justify menâ € ™s violence or blame victims;
â € ¢ To protect and empower women to take control of their lives;
â € ¢ To elaborate on the on the current situation of gender-based violence in South Africa;
â € ¢ To define gender-based violence;
â € ¢ To protect and empower victims of gender-based violence and crime;
â € ¢ To provide the role of the DSD in the Khuseleka One-Stop Centre
It is responding to the needs of women, men and children people with disability included, especially in black poor rural communities where there are challenges or obstacles in trying to overcome domestic and gender-based violence because of the following:
Download : 18419_gbv-application-khuseleka-one-stop-centre1.docx
📝Read the emotional article by @nokwe_mnomiya, with a personal plea: 🇿🇦Breaking the cycle of violence!https://t.co/6kPcu2Whwm pic.twitter.com/d60tsBqJwx
— Gender Links (@GenderLinks) December 17, 2024