I wrote an article on the unpopularity of the Domestic Violence Act which was drafted to empower women and eventually put an end to Gender-Based Violence among other forms of abuses in Zimbabwe. The story is on squatters visited during the 16 Days of Activism courtesy of Genderlinks and highlights their experiences in fighting GBV and their appreciation if the Act. Notable is the fact that these women are poor, uneducated and unemployed thus more vulnerable to GBV considering men in their lives either husbands, brothers or uncles.
The item can be regarded as a good gender in the media content because it focuses on womenâ € ™s experience in the era of empowerment. GBV and maternal mortality remain the biggest hindrances towards achieving gender equality. Ideally the Domestic Violence Act is to be used in freeing women from the chains of GBV and breaking the culture of silence that has haunted them since long ago. GBV leads to stresses, family disintegration, breeds a generation of abusers in that children inherit abusive tendencies. I believe curbing GBV is Zimbabwe will be a great step towards the empowerment of women.
Zimbabwe is a signatory to the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development and is therefore expected to come up with strategies in achieving the 28 targets. However, the story indicates the Government has excelled in coming up with the Act BUT the existence of the Act itself will not end violence. Here is great need to popularize, preach and promote the act and its use in the day to day activities of everyone. A lot is required before citizens fully make use of the act. Knowing it does not help but policy makers should increase its promotion. Media should be used to this effect. Dealing with GBV not only empowers women but gives them the platform to speak out and aim for better things in life like economic independence. The article also speaks to policy makers to do something about the rise of GBV despite the ratified Act.
Download : 18600_thandeka-moyo-gl-entry.doc
📝Read the emotional article by @nokwe_mnomiya, with a personal plea: 🇿🇦Breaking the cycle of violence!
— Gender Links (@GenderLinks) December 17, 2024
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