Lavumisa Council ensures safety of urban residents and that services target both women and men.

Date: May 13, 2014
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-The council in order to ensure that the standard of living for urban residents is improved they allocated spaces to women and men to run 5 fast foods outlets, 3 salons, 1 shoe repair, 1 motor mechanic, 2 clothing boutiques, 2 sewing projects and space allocated to 3 hawkers to display and sell their clothing.
Social responsibility
– The Council through the HIV/AIDS wing constructed a one room house for an elderly man in one of the wards and he was given clothing, food and bedding. To ensure that he gets food and we negotiated with Umbutfo Swaziland Defence Force in the nearby camp and requested that they give him lunch every day to ensure that he has something to eat because he cannot cook for himself and periodical visits are conducted to ensure that the house is clean.
– The Council received second hand building material from Swaziland Revenue Authority to distribute to the disadvantaged people.
– The council received a donation of second hand bed linen and toiletries which is yet to be distributed to the disadvantaged.
Recreational facility
– The council is constructing a community hall to be used for indoor games. There is a Swimming pool where we sometimes host fun days for the youth and conduct educational sessions. Football and netball teams use the sports ground to host their league games and the local schools also host their athletics and balls games competitions.
– The council through the HIV/AIDS wing hosts fun games for the in and out of school youth annually. The soccer and netball playgrounds are also used by the different departments in the town to play games under their wellness programmes.
Infrastructure development
The Council has commissioned installation of 2 high mast lights at strategic areas, refurbishment of the Lavumisa border Post, refurbishment of the Swazi national Court. Permission have been granted to construct vendor facilities amounting to E3 million. Land has been allocated for the construction of a High School

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