Botha-Bothe Urban council is found in the Botha-Bothe district in Lesotho. It has an area of 1,767 km ² and a population of approximately 15,627 Botha-Bothe urban council was the 2nd council to join COE in the Botha-Bothe district and was the runner up for the 1st District Summit held.
The council has put in place a number of gender-related policies to guide its work. The district council consist of 3 male councillors and 10 female councillors. The council aims to expand its percentage of female councillors from 77%. The Mayor, and Deputy Mayor of the council are females.
The council is made up of 4 committees, three of which are chaired by woman. There are more men employed than women in their Workforce of the council.
Young people, people living with disabilities (PWD) and community members participate in community-based planning projects and meetings. Between 51 and 75 percent, women participate in public consultations.
The total workforce of the council employees consist of 43 percent women. There is only one woman in the management. There are no women in non-tradition areas of decision-making. The Council amended the recruitment, selection and promotion policies to increase the proportion of women in the workforce.
There are provisions for maternity and paternity leave. The council does not have a sexual harassment policy. Cases related to Sexual harassment are usually reported whenever they occurs. They are conducted by the disciplinary Hearing Committee established within the council.
The Botha Bothe Urban Council allocates a substantial budget to gender-related projects, these amounts has stood at the same level from 2015 to 2016.
Women, men, PWD, and youth are involved in the planning, management, and maintenance of water and sanitation. There is a total of 34 water and sanitation committees. There is 22 women and 12 men on the committees, one of which is chaired by a woman.As part of the of the Council’s local economic development plan, they participate in public gatherings concerning job creation prevalently road construction whereby the PWD are represented at work by the able bodied and the monthly cash for labouring is received by the PWDs who have their relatives work for them for 20 days. There are 20 beneficiaries benefiting from jobs created by the council, 8 women and 12 men.
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Comment on Summit 2016-Botha- Bothe Urban Council