Summit 2016-Hleoheng Council COE

Date: June 25, 2018
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Hleoheng Community Council is situated in the Leribe district and it has joined Centers of Excellence (COE) process in 2015.

With progress to implementing gender policies, council has done gender work plan. The ministry of gender has grafted the gender policy. The council has eight male councillors and five female councillors.

The council has three committees, but none of those are being chaired by any women. There are no representatives of youth and people living with disabilities (PWD), and there is no Junior Council.

Women, PWD and youth actively participate in the council work and female councillors are part of the decision makings within the council. Approximately 51%-75% women participate in public consultations. The council, through social services, meet with support group on monthly basis whereby women participate in decision making.

The council has 22 percent men, 67 percent women employed and 11 percent PWD that have been employed. Women form 67 percent of the council’s management but currently the council has no women in top positions.

There are provisions for maternity leave and for paternity leave as well. Maternity leave is paid for and it goes on for three months while paternity leave lasts for a month. The council does not have a sexual harassment policy. There has not been any sexual harassment cases reported within the council.  In addition, there are no facilities that cater for people living with disabilities.

Hleoheng Council did not allocate any substantial budget to gender-related projects and there has been no budget line for 2015 and 2016.

The council, as part of its local economic development plan, has no scheme and is still trying to sensitise the community about their importance. The council is issuing forms for lands and assisting to get leases so that it can be form of security at financial providers.

As part of a policy on climate change, the ministry of meteorology is already drafting a strategy with the council. Women are included especially because they are the first to be affected by climate change. Examples are how to run for safety to avoid risk and if risk is there where to report it. This is a good strategy in that it will help educate the public quite broadly.

Please click here to read more about Hleoheng Council.

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