Summit 2017-Ramapepe Council COE

Date: August 21, 2018
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Ramapepe Council is located in Ramapepe village in the Leribe district.

The council uses gender and Development Policy of the Ministry of Gender and has the Gender Action plan that incorporates the Post 2015 SADC Gender Protocol, SDGs and other relevant targets. There are 21 councillors; 12 men and nine women. Both the chairperson and deputy chairperson are men. The council has three committees and two are chaired by women.

The women, people living with the disability (PWD) and youth participate in public gathering; from 51%-75%. Women make sure that they are part of all the decision makings.

The council has 10 employees and seven are women, in management there are 5 and three are women. Also the physical planner and senior accountant of the council are women.

There is a provision of three months maternity leave and nursing hours for another three months after the maternity. The council does not have sexually harassment policy, but cases are reported at the police station. Councillors bring such matters to the social service committee and victims are advised to report such cases at the nearest police stations. The council situated in a place where is accessible to everybody and facilities catered for disability people.

Ramapepe Community Council allocated budget to gender-related projects for the 2017 to 2018

Category Budget 2017 Budget 2018
Resources allocated to promoting gender equality in decision-making and public participation $4 000 $6 000
Resources allocated to promoting gender equality/family friendly/ youth and disability friendly policies and practices $10 000 $10 000
Resources allocated to gender-responsive local economic development $30 000 $42 000
Resources allocated to promoting gender/youth/PWD responsive projects on climate change $14 000 $30 000

The council allocates temporary business sites for men and women where they have built their own shacks. The organisation called CRS has helped women to establish silk. The council has given every association a Form C document that owns land so that they can use it as security for getting financial assistance. The council assists youth and PWD to register their association so that they can easily get funding.

The council has embarked on recycling, and it has encouraged people to stop burning papers and waste as they cause pollution. The council is also engaged in improving vegetation and pasture development.

The councils hold health education in communities teaching school children about Sexual Violence, HIV and AIDS and adhering to treatment.

Working together with local police and policing forums( mahokela) and CGPU, we hold public gathering and campaigns on ending violence especially GBV. Response is well, violence is reported and perpetrators are arrested. We refer the case to CGPU and ensure justice is done. GBV victims are helped to cope and move on. Then we give them training and financial assistance to start small businesses.

Click here to read more about the Ramapepe Community Council.

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