Summit 2017-Mamants’o Council COE

Date: July 4, 2018
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Mamantso Community council situated in Motsekuoa in the Mafeteng District.

The council of ‘Mamants’o has gender policy and action plan that incorporates the Post 2015 SADC Gender Protocol, SDGs and other relevant targets. It also has a high profile champion within the council who makes sure that gender issues are taken care and make aware to councillors.

There are 21 councillors, 13 men and eight women. The vice chairperson is a woman; three Committees namely; social services, Gender committee, and water committee are chaired by women. In addition, LANFOD has held meetings with PWD and councils to empower PWD and raise awareness of ignorance of leaders to the disabled. PWD now take part in decision making. Another organization called SEND A COW has also trained the youth on the Local government concept and development and how crucial it is for youth to be part of the decision making processes.

In terms of workforce, there are seven staff; two men and five women. Also the two top management being Council secretary and Assistant administration officer are both women.

The workplace is highly gender sensitive in that both men and women are given equal employment opportunities and they both accorded their rights such as maternity and paternity leave. The work place is also disability friendly such that there are toilets for PWD and there are ramps for easy movement and no stair cases.

Mamants’o Community Council allocated a substantial budget to gender-related projects for the 2017 to 2018.

Category Budget 2017 Budget 2018
Resources allocated to promoting gender equality in decision-making and public participation $15 000 $25 000
Resources allocated to promoting gender equality/family friendly/ youth and disability friendly policies and practices $20 000 $25 000
Resources allocated to gender-responsive local economic development $80 000 $80 000
Resources allocated to promoting gender/youth/PWD responsive projects on climate change $80 000 $80 000

In an effort to advance local economic development the council has allocated women 15 stands and men 6 stands, it should be noted that these numbers are inclusive of youth and PWD.

Moreover, SEND A COW has helped the associations by building capacities in areas such as writing proposals to request donor funding. Also another organization, SADP, has funded Rabeleng Multi-Purpose Association to develop their piggery project and Mahareng Herders Association to the tune of M249 000.00 to grow an orchard and for vegetable production.

In terms of Climate Change and Sustainable Development the council is working with Ministry of Forestry with catchment project where people engage in planting trees and filling dongas. Two village grazing schemes were formed at Ha Moseli and Lihlokong, they work on range management issues such as grazing control. Also money has been allocated to the council for solid waste management. Community members are also encouraged and supported to practice conservative farming, locally known as temo ea mantloane. The council also has a waste management project.

There is sex disaggregated land allocation in the council, 178 women were allocated land while 213 men were allocated land. Since the promulgation of the Land act 2010, women are now able to fight for their rights on Land and request dispute settlement by councillors and chief. There is a water committee that manages the use of water systems and it is led by a woman. Rural Water Supply has installed and maintained water systems and VIP toilets for communities. Nine Villages were helped with maintenance of water systems.

The council promotes SRHR by training the support groups and youth on HIV/AIDS. Again, NKUKELE GROUPS have been established in which people living with HIV/AIDS rotationally take turns to collect medication for the rest of the group in order to avoid discrimination of others and for the sake of those who are ashamed to collect medication. The council regularly distributes posters of HIV/AIDS and both male and female condoms in villages at public gatherings, to herd men and has placed some in toilets. Women, men, people living with disability, and youth have equal access to treatment.

Almost every community member is a Community police they work with the chief who frequently reports to the police in the CGPU unit to eradicate GBV. Women’s forum held on African women’s day trained by CGPU, Master of High court and Ministry of Gender.

Click here to read more about the Mamantso Community Council.


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