Malawi Institute of Journalism FM

Malawi Institute of Journalism FM

Date: May 28, 2014
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Brief description of my Entry In summary my submission is about Gender Blindness in Legal Redress. This is a case study of worst form of domestic based violence I have come across in over a decade of my reporting where a woman-x-convict has had her child adopted away without her consent. At the centre of this story is court ruling which condemned a wife to prison after she had run away from a habitual abusive husband and his relations. However, in spite of the presiding Magistrate acknowledging that the wife was being buttered by her husband and her in laws, her ruling did not critically consider two important factors That the mother had a four-month child to care and breast-feed That the woman run away from her home because of an abusive husband Why the Entry is a Good Practice I feel this entry is good practice because it exposes loopholes in the Legal System and advocates for reform, especially when it comes to gender bias where women continue to be victims of circumstances This submission is good practice because it brings to light the continued practice of GBV and that there is still work to be done regarding Gender-or-Domestic Based Violence and that the nation should not relax in pursuit of total respect and equality in administering social justice Besides, this entry is good because it successfully brings to light grievous inefficiencies in government departments

Download : 18554_mainapplicationmediacoestamanda-matebule.docx

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