Marondera Municipality

Marondera Municipality

Date: April 20, 2015
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Marondera Municipality for a long time that is 1985 to 2012 has not taken a resolve to address gender inequalities at the work place. This gender inequality at institutional level was quite apparent given that about 80% of our staff was male. African society has been described as highly unequal in terms of race and gender. The sexual division of labour in pre-colonial period in Africa ascribed women the role of manual labourers on the land and changes in the social structure brought about by colonization eroded women ’s rights along with their status in general. This can also be confirmed by the disparity in staffing levels at council. There has not been any affirmative action policy in place since independence and there are no women at the highest leadership and decision making echelons of the council. Women are crowded in the lower levels as clerks, sweepers and council nurses in the housing department. However it is quite pleasing to note that since 2013 council has resolved to mainstream gender into its establishment. Council with the assistance of Gender Links came up with a gender policy and action plan which was given legitimacy by council through a council resolution. At middle management that is assistant director level there are only two women the Assistant Chamber Secretary and the Nursing administrator who is responsible for a female dominated Department. Council had a gender focal person who currently occupies a strategic position in council. Further council has made it a point that all its operations are gender sensitive for instance when designating areas for its residents to trade, the desire to empower women is given greater preference .In terms of gender equity the is a huge discrepancy as one goes up the leadership and decision making ladder. Council is in the process of putting up gender committees at functional and ward levels.

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