Mauritius: Falcon Citizen League – FALCON PEAS MODEL FARM helping to empower people at grassroot level

Date: August 17, 2018
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Falcon Citizen League is a NGO operating in Mauritius since 2004 and its aim is to provide a solution for natural farming. The project is geared towards mitigating the problem of climate change by encouraging young farmers, women farmers, planters and other person interested in the agro-industry towards sustainable development. The objectives of the project are centered around poverty alleviation, environmental care, agricultural development and social entrepreneurship.

Poverty alleviation activities of the project:

  • Sharing of surplus foods from hotels, restaurants and supermarkets.
  • Sharing of foods before expiry date from importers, wholesalers warehouse.
  • Training for vulnerable persons in organic farming so that they can produce their own food and market the surplus and also so that they obtain a job in the agricultural sector.

Environmental care activities of the project include:

  1. Composting
  2. Rainwater harvesting
  3. Maintaining bio diversity
  4. Green energy
  5. Aquaponics
  6. Use of organic fertiliser/pesticide
  7. Recycling
  8. Solar cooking

Agricultural development activities of the project include:

  1. Organic farming
  2. Aquaculture
  3. Aquaponics
  4. Apiculture
  5. Hydroponic
  6. Sheltered farming
  7. Dynamic farming
  8. Cow breeding
  9. Organic fruit production

Social entrepreneurial activities:

  1. Manufacturing of natural and herbal fertiliser and pesticide.
  2. Selling of organic products such as fruits, vegetables and honey.
  3. Agro Tourism

In all there are 232 beneficiaries, amongst which 150 are women and the rest are men.

The budget for all of the activities amount to RS 2,850,000


  • Increase in organic production
  • More advertising through the media
  • Involvement at international level as a model

Key tools for monitoring and evaluation are:

  • Feedbacks and comments from Facebook
  • Media and Press coverage
  • Number of visitors on the farm
  • Number of participants in activities
  • Number of persons willing to adopt the farming system of the Falcon Citizen League.
  • Sales of products

Falcon Citizen league is working towards encouraging individuals to replicate the project within their capacity and abilities of natural resources.

One thought on “Mauritius: Falcon Citizen League – FALCON PEAS MODEL FARM helping to empower people at grassroot level”

Kamalhoodeen Nauthoo says:

Would like to know how to join you.

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