Organisation: Week-End (Le Mauricien Ltd)
Regarding the article submitted on “précarité menstruelle”, I interviewed social workers, NGO dealing with the matter, with a linguist from the university of Mauritius and with a state representative of the Mauritius Family Planning Association. I wanted to inform the public about this issue, to let them know that it is very important t talk about menstrual hygiene. Prior to writing the article, I have been reading a lot in the international press, and I found that more and more people were talking about this issue.
The problem is : lack of information on menstrual hygiene and menstrual poverty in Mauritius. The ultimate goal is to create awareness amongst our readers and the public. The strategy chosen was to present Menstrual Poverty as a serious “subject”, that would not be dealt with like in any woman’s magazine would do. I wanted the article to be treated like a serious matter, hence speaking with “key persons”.
It will address the problem since many readers read “Week-End” and one of the main problem with menstrual poverty is that we barely talk about it the media. Hence, writing a full article about it may have an impact on readers.
There is an NGO created to talk about menstrual hygiene and poverty. Hygiene packs are being distributed to women all around the country, campaigns are being made on Social media platforms. Again, it is all about creating awareness around me.
There is a campaign on Facebook called the Period Ambassador which encourages people to send a picture with a little saying, and since its launch, there has been many participants, both male and female.
Also Gender Links Mauritius provided a full day training to Mauritian media houses, and that is how I was compelled to write about menstrual poverty, a subject to which I couldn’t identify at first but which ultimately spoke to me in so many ways, as woman firstly but also as a Human Being. Being a journalist, I have the duty to inform using my platform.
Gender Links Mauritius provided us with a full day training and with many tools to better understand the subject and to be more “objective” in how we are dealing with a sensitive subject for example.
Since the publication of the article last Sunday, there has been a lot of response of Facebook where I have deliberately posted the article on my personal account. One comment stroke me : “je ne savais pas que le problème était aussi sérieux à Maurice” and this shows the article was read and understood.
The government still needs to act, to implement sexual education in schools, and to provide hygiene packs in shelters, etc. There needs to be a budget for that !
Educating our youngsters is key. I do hope that there will be more articles about this issue.
📝Read the emotional article by @nokwe_mnomiya, with a personal plea: 🇿🇦Breaking the cycle of violence!
— Gender Links (@GenderLinks) December 17, 2024
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