RAISE BRAVE GIRLS – For a free and a fair society for girls in Mauritius

Date: June 18, 2019
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RAISE BRAVE GIRLS (RBG) believe that as a society, we treat risk differently when it comes to boys and girls. We tend to caution our daughters more than our sons. That caution, that over-protection, is what signals girls early on to think that they’re not brave enough when indeed they are. So the organisation is a pathway to:

  1. Encourage girls to take risks and make new choices and who will grow up to be brave women
  2. Make them aware of their fundamental universal right
  3. Help the country progress towards gender equality
  4. Create a platform to inspire, empower, protect and motivate women in their daily battles
  5. Achieve gender equality: at all levels in Mauritius, in the African region and on International Platforms
  6. Contributing to The Sustainable Goal 5 and Agenda 2063
  7. Collaborating with African Change Makers

The RBG is in reality a digital social platform that is creating awareness around violence against women and the fighting for gender equality. The activities revolving around the social platform includes:

  1. Collecting messages, life experiences and stories
  2. Share collection of messages through social media under fictitious name
  3. Provide interactive platforms and discussions
Category Women Men Total % Women
Direct beneficiaries  129 14  143  90.2
Indirect beneficiaries (e.g. through other networks)  <2949>=  <2648>=  <5550>=  53.1
Online beneficiaries (e.g. website access, mailing lists, scholarly articles)  2997 4296  7293  42,1
Total  6075  6959 13033  61.6 (Average)

RBG believes that every woman has a beautiful story to share. So, it encourages women to share their stories on the social media page (RBG) to inspire young girls and women every day. The team also organises a ‘selfie time’ which is one where everyone, especially women can show their support to their cause with the use of ‘captions’ & ‘hashtags’.

RBG launched the campaign ‘Say November’ recently in 2018. The whole month was dedicated to the international day of elimination of violence against women (25 November). The post was viewed 100000 times & shared 169 times on facebook

For the international day of woman held on the 8th of March 2018 and the 50 years of independence of Mauritius, RBG launched the campaign ‘Moris ki to rev’ where they collected messages on the role of women and the dreams of women with the hashtag #BEYOUROWNWONDERWOMAN whereby 73 Messages & 300 picture frames were used.

RBG has also been advocating at the National Level and has proposed amendments in view of the National Budget 2018 and the recommendations were based on gender mainstreaming and empowerment of women and girls.

One thought on “RAISE BRAVE GIRLS – For a free and a fair society for girls in Mauritius”

Yashdevi Hurreechurn says:

Hello Everyone.
I would like to share my point of view specially for Wife, who have Responsibilities and who faces some difficulties in a married life.

Gender Equality have not been developed yet in all our society.

Since wives faces, such consequences daily, where only men who take small to big decision in the house, like wives do not have the right to share hers. WHY?? SHE should stay quiet.

Some our educated woman are sacrifice their hobbies and wants, even more than that, they do not have the right to work, because of household responsivities’, which is unacceptable.

Coming to outfit, its terrible, where women do not have the right to wear what they wish to, because they are married. If their bra is seen, they are sluts, short minis are not allow to wear.
But talking to men, they are allow to walk without t-shirt.

I would only like to say, ladies even after marriage should have the equal RIGHT to speak, without any obstacles of Responsibilities.

Thank you!

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