Mauritius: The District Council of Riviere du Rempart

Date: August 17, 2018
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The Districts of Rivière du Rempart and Pamplemousses were under the jurisdiction of one corporate body since December 1951:  the Pamplemousses/ Rivière du Rempart District Council. The Local Government Act 2011 made provision for each district in Mauritius to be administered by a Local Authority.  Hence the establishment of the District Council of Rivière du Rempart. The Council has a population of some 108,000 people and is subdivided into 19 villages.

The District Council of Riviere du Rempart is found in the North of Mauritius. Currently, the Council consists of 36 members. The Chairman and his deputy are elected annually from among the members. The presidential election is usually conducted in July. Two on seven women hold management position within the Council.

The Council has worked on a Gender Action Plan done and regularly conducts workshops in villages. In managing the area under its jurisdiction for July 2016- June 2017, the Council has acted in accordance with the basic principles of corporate governance mainly:

  1. Observance of legal framework
  2. Equity and inclusiveness
  3. Accountability
  4. Effectiveness and efficiency
  5. Participation
  6. Innovation
  7. Sustainability and long term-oriented projects
  8. Sound financial management

The council has 11 committees, none of which is chaired by women. The Council is working to integrate more women in its team. 34 of its Councillors are female while 128 is male. There are provisions both for maternity leave and paternity leave,each lasting 3 months and less than one month respectively. The Council is working to combat Sexual Harassment and seeks to render the workplace a safe milieu.

The Council has a policy on climate change and organises activities in that sense which include both men women, men, people living with disability and youth.

The Council has raised awareness through campaigns on Gender-based violence. It has held a workshop on Strategic and Sustainable Campaign, aiming to mainstream gender and prevent violence against the disabled at the local level in a sustained manner. The Council also ensures the provision and maintenance of street lighting.

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